Thursday, March 3, 2016

entry 57 : being sincere

dear all:

I question the depths of sincerity and the ramifications we place on ourselves. What is the point of anything if we are not sincere? Because if I am sincere then, 1) I am truthful 2) I am sorry 3) I love you 4) I forgive you 5) I meant what I said 6) I apologize for the misunderstanding 7) thank you 8) my thoughts mirror my actions 9) I was wrong and 10) you were right!

  1. How is your sincerity working for you today?
  2. Do you glare at others with your actions?
  3. "Often individuals whose opinions do not correspond with their words cannot help but reveal their true thoughts in actions."--OM (I have had multiple retweets on Twitter in 2012)


Monday, April 20, 2015

entry 59: ego disrupting


our ego (self importance), are disrupting the universal balance and global existence of this life time.

our outgrown egos (for children only) are causing harsh realities and emotional spiritual unrest with defensive, reactive, judgmental and envious behavior. this phenomena is mainly affecting a non impoverished population, to the point of distraction and meanwhile the fragility of the world needs our strength & assistance. 

we have ignored nature's direction and our own sincerity in thought and action,  which has put the earth's children and animals in harms way.

can you imagine this is happening with all the universe has given us?

we have lost our way to the divine path of responsibility for everything (good and/or bad) that occurs and betrayed ourselves the fulfillment of destiny.



the no ego blog: happiness is losing self importance

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Entry 58: If I Dismiss My Ego...

Dear All:

If I dismiss my ego 1) I lose all negativity  2) I let go of a petty conflict, immediately (especially with Todd) 3) I accept an apology with forgiveness  4) I am of free shit talking (oh that again) 5) I am observing my actions (except for Brady) 6) I am truthful with my loved ones in a thoughtful way 7) I am listening without interrupting (oh god!) 8) I am owning my mistakes 9) I am not comparing my actions to others' actions and 10) I am not looking for what my loved ones have "not done" for me. So, if my heart is in charge, and I am losing all negativity while living in a state of loving forgiveness, that way I am "for real", right?


  1. My ego failed me today, but tomorrow will be better. (2/10/15)
  2. How did sincerity save me from myself today? (2/10/15)


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Entry 57: What Is The Point Of Anything If We Are Not Sincere?

Dear All:

I question the depths of sincerity and the ramifications we place on ourselves. What is the point of anything if we are not sincere? Because if I am sincere then, 1) I am truthful 2) I am sorry 3) I love you 4) I forgive you 5) I meant what I said 6) I apologize for the misunderstanding 7) thank you 8) my thoughts mirror my actions 9) I was wrong and 10) you were right!

  1. How is your sincerity working for you today?
  2. Do you glare at others with your actions?
  3. "Often individuals whose opinions do not correspond with their words cannot help but reveal their true thoughts in actions."--OM (I have had multiple retweets on Twitter in 2012)


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Entry 56: The No Ego Blog

Dear All:

What is with the continual "ego tugging" of attaching ourselves to people and/or events that do not make us feel good? I am amazed how much time we spend (as adults) discussing others actions, in particular when it has nothing to do with us. If we focus on our own thoughts and actions, (especially the ones we are proud of) then, 1) there is no conflict whatsoever 2) we are in a state of calm and in control 3) we can nourish ourselves more 4) we are working our emotionally healthy relationships 5) we are working our emotionally healthy selves 6) we are letting go of our self importance (ego) 7) we are demonstrating a higher level of communication to the world 8) we gain a new understanding of our responsibility in close relationships and how they make us feel 9) we stop the negative noise and 10) if we are living one of the universal laws, then nothing can go that wrong, right? 

  1. If I am focusing on my actions only, I am good to go!
  2. I am responsible for everything I am feeling today. 
Thank you for reading in your busy days.



Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Entry #54: Jack Frost's Snowball Cocktail Tonight, What is ALEC and Are We Closet Bullies?

Dear All:

Thank heaven for life on the planet earth at the moment. The winter's morning sunlight, the white dusty blizzard (2/7/13) and fierce cold wind are a force to reckon with this year. As the trees wait for their friends, the buds to arrive, the season's icy magic dance show still can takes my breath away! Let's hear it for Jack Frost's snowball cocktail tonight!

In the early morning's dawn, we listen for the chanting and ringing of the bird's songs to light up the backyard. Recently, I have been illuminated by the percussion of a perky little woodpecker (with white tiny snow spots) who knocks and knocks for her bug fest just outside the window! 

  1. The winter's bright sunshine brings me warmth today (2/4/13)
  2. Let's hear it Jack Frost's snowball cocktail tonight!
As the early morning gets its "chirp" on, I was recently perturbed to learn of ALEC which is the American Legislative Exchange Council, that basically writes its own laws to benefit large corporations, and not for the benefit of people, mostly business. ALEC Exposed on line recently reported, "ALEC is not a lobby; it is not a front group.  Corporations hand state legislators the changes to the law they desire that directly benefit their bottom line. Along with legislators, corporations have membership with ALEC. They have their own corporate governing board which meets jointly with the legislative board." ALEC Exposed continues, "Corporations fund almost all ALEC's operations.  Participating legislators and corporations brings their homemade proposals home and introduce them in statehouses across the land as their own brilliants ideas and important public policy innovations--without disclosing that corporations crafted and voted on the bills. This is not an illegal activity either."

A subject that is now illegal is bullying. I am convinced that child and teenage bullying comes from the self importance of their parents. I am amazed and very disappointed on the level of petty judgment I have been witnessing from adults. This phenomenon has morphed its way into what I call, closet bullying, which is sucker punching on many levels. Closet bullying could be 1) speaking negatively about someone not present to defend themselves 2) saying kind things and behaving in a mean spirited way towards others 3) behaving kindly and then saying  mean spirited things about others 4) judging others in an extreme way (which says everything about us) 5) laughing at the expense of other people (I am guilty of, we all know me by now) 6) continually discussing our own point of view 7) taking zero responsibility for our bad behaviors when we are called out 8) being insincere (the worst of all) 9) comparing ourselves to others so we feel better (sigh) and 10) not speaking out on bullying behaviors that are affecting others. Would you agree that closet bullying comes from our self importance or that we have not grown up yet? Just sayin...

If we can cheers to Jack Frost today, while fully understanding the corrupt ways that laws are being passed currently (WTF) and identifying bullying behaviors in our ourselves and others, then nothing can go that wrong, right?

Let's pray for the women, children and animals who need our determined and fierce protection at all times.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Entry #53: 2012's How Will We Illuminate The World Today?

Dear All:

The sun's blinding rays at the moment (12/31/12) are just a glimpse of 2012's magnificent display of winter's quiet, springtime's blushing budding magic, summer's ultra radiant bloom and autumn's rainbow ballet show. We've used these images to enrich our hopes and dreams this year at Get Over Yourself Please.  The backyard's illuminating ways and the sunlight's warmth have given us  "the feeling" of hope in what seems to be inevitable chaos. We've shared insights on our own ways to divinity, to the state of happy detachment, while getting over our reactive crazy, haven't we? 

We've enjoyed rainfall cocktails with a snap dragon twist never to forget. We could not get enough cherry blossom candy, yellow kissed daffodils and pink peony coolers and still want more!  We started the summer with the June bells Parade and ended with the Monarch butterfly dance party, which was the experience of a life time!

We've observed heaven on earth right outside the window. The happy butterfly of a black goldfish, the sad yet delightful cries of October's Blue Jay and our unforgettable Robin's determination and ubiquity. Lastly, I cannot leave out the ringing and chanting of my loving cardinals who bring me closer to god with every song. Let's hear it for the backyard!

  • "The birds and flowers give me hope."--Susan Campisi
  • Where the birds songs illuminate us, there is light (8/21/12).
  • The garden is happy today (7/20/12).

We have thanked our amazing Joseph Campbell (Author of The Power of Myth) for helping us understand that we are in charge of our hearty adventure (in darkness and in light). We have referenced at great length, my favorite Hindu, Deepak Chopra (whose reflections have had positive influence on my behaviors ), our adorable Dalai Lama's Kindness Policy (which is not easy from where he resides) and our determined and radiant Mother Theresa. She says, "Keep loving and then keep loving more." 

On a dimmer note, we have re-addressed the missing girls of India (WTF), the genocide taking place in Darfur that George Clooney is determined to repair by going after the money that is funding this fucking horror show. We've expressed our disappointment on Women's Rights prior to this election and continually reiterate our disbelief with the US involvement in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Lastly, we have discussed the audacity of fracking which is another charade concerning our country's love with affair with money, never mind oil. 

We have thanked NPR (National Public Radio) for a fresh perspective. We have honored our environmental hero, the Oyster. We've saluted our Military Dogs and donated to Give2The Troops. We have advertised the benefits of We have celebrated the abolitionist President Abraham Lincoln, the game changer Steve Jobs, the life coach giant, Tony Robbins and lastly our beloved naturalist, John Muir a pioneer on preservation of all things green and dear to us. 
And finally, Getting Over Ourselves, which is never dull, starting with me. We have gone within ourselves to question the purpose of our egos (that is useful when you are growing as a child and young adult) and its destructive path. 

We have learned that others' happiness is a driving force in human nature and that doing what is asked of us (no matter what) can build monumental trust with those we admire. We have made it clear that respect is a gift like no other, we have discussed in length the ways to finding our bliss by letting go. We have always said that attaching to others actions is an unproductive use of time (during my very first speaking engagement No Ego Tonight on 11/13/12) and agree that I am what you say I am today, which is bad ass, don't you think? We addressed the irony of accepting apologies without forgiveness, and best of all --the topic of sincerity. If we are not sincere, then there is not point to anything--at all, right? 

  • My ego failed me today, but tomorrow will be better (9/3/12).
  • How did your reactive crazy behavior navigate you today? Oh dear.
  • "I am what you say I am today."--unknown tweet of 2011
  • How is your sincerity working for you today?

As the solstice got its blaze on and early summer got its golden on, we endured a very desperate loss of our family member, baby lamb Samantha Boyle (28 years old), a SF friend from the past, David L. Stone (49 years old) and Super Storm Sandy, that I still do not have the worlds to describe.

  • How will we illuminate the world today?
Thank you for reading in your busy days this year. Let's pray for the soldiers, women, children (god bless the community of Sandy Hook in Newtown, CT) and animals who need our fierce and determined protection at all times.

Love and Sincerely,


Monday, December 31, 2012

Entry #52: Winter's Bright, We Are In This World Together and My Reactive Crazy

Dear All:

Winter's bright had its first dress rehearsal this week.  The sun's warmth and abrupt winds melted Jack Frosts silvery art work on each happy bush and tree in the front yard, now adorned with cheery Christmas bows, lights and holiday fantastic. When twinkling lights illuminate every tree inside and out, where Christmas trees are beaded with mermaids swimming in their aqua glitter, where hand painted boats sail on their own faithful branch and where ruby feathered cardinals perch, what is there not to love? Winter has its harsh ways for sure, but this season is forgiving like no other. The air quality is peaking, the dramatic puffy clouds have their own language and a winter's moonlight is as bright as any sun's shine. All is calm in winter as Jupiter creeps closer than ever to earth this week.  Get ready everybody because winter is never dull! 

  1. Winter's moonlight is as bright as any sun's shine this evening (12/2812).
  2. "Santa is the President of Christmas."--Brady Shaw 3.12 years old
As the tree lights twinkle and sing their Christmas carols each night, I am hopeful for a productive universe that seems to be in the works. However, my heart becomes heavy each time I open up my Yahoo news page. With our planet hungry (which is no peace promoter), global warming becoming a reality (Irene and/ of Sandy perhaps?) and the US Congress struggling desperately with their ego, to the point of paralysis (Fiscal Cliff, WTF),  I am like oh dear god help us down here. 

The way we manifest our anxiety is part of growing up and I have no control over any of this, however, how do you get through these feelings when you have a sweet heart of a guy to get through this ? Knowing that we are in this world together is the only way out. The only way to keep "up" is make a pact that we have one another to lean on and to understand. If anything more supernatural should happen, its not like any of us will be singled out, we will be together somehow, because we are now, right?  

  1. We are in this world together.
  2. "Dear God, help me to be gentle and kind to every living creature."--A Prayer A Day
  3. "Understand Karma. No debt in the universe goes unpaid."--Deepak Chopra
As I become aware of the ramifications of my thoughts and the impact of karma, you would think I had enough strength to withhold my ego bullshit when things aren't going swimmingly. For the most part I do try and "shut it" and it does have a positive impact. However, when Todd and I are having any type of tense conversation about how to do things (his way or my way) my Reactive Crazy (can I get a trademark here?) starts blazing --quickly. It is a great comedy show, starring me and my asshole ways.

Reactive Crazy is the "culprit" in most major/minor conflicts. Reactive Crazy gets out of control if 1) anyone calls us out on the unfavorable (even when they are right) 2) it is the bruised, hurt, nasty comeback to anything we are not prepared to hear (which is 99% of the time) 3) it is the monster within a seemingly non defensive person 4) it is alliance(s) against an individual(s) who may be uncovering some truths 5) it is a lifetime story for some of us who never wanted to hear our own reality 6) it is a state of mind that does not allow for authenticity with oneself 7) it is a way in which to be cut off from honesty with loved ones who have our best interests in mind 8) It does not allow us to take responsibility for our actions because we immediately lunge into our own defense) 9) it causes pettiness which is the root of all evil 10) it is a defense mechanism that inhibits our spiritual illumination.
  1. My Reactive Crazy never disappoints me!
  2. How did your Reactive Crazy navigate you today? Oh dear.
  3. If I do not take responsibility for my actions today, there is no point.
Thank you all for reading in your busy days of everyday. If I let go of my ego tonight and get my jolly on, iremember that we are in this world together and more importantly, check my Reactive Crazy bullshit each day, then nothing can go that wrong, right?

Lastly, let's pray for the women, children & animals who need our determined and fierce protection at all times. 

With Love & Sincerely,

P.S. Happy Birthday to Cindy Sparks Dreher (12/28/12) who has a heart made of gold.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Entry #51: This is Buddhism, Insight from the Dalai Lama

Dear All:

"We are all on this planet together. We are all brothers and sisters with the same physical and mental faculties, the same problems and the same needs. We must all contribute to the fulfillment of the human potential and the improvement of the quality of life as much as we are able. Mankind is crying out for help. Those who have something to offer should come forward. Now is the time."--Dalai Lama

Let's find ways to better help the women, children and animals that need our determined and fierce protection at all times, starting with me.

Love and Sincerely,


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Entry #50: No Ego Tonight

No Ego Tonight's Kristen Shaw

I'd like to make a toast to no ego this evening starting with me... I've often complained of what isn't, but I get whatever I want. I have always lived in a nice home. I still have two legs and two arms, that I am grateful for. I currently have a marriage to a yummy dish of a Wall Street guy and a bumbling viking of a five year boy who kicks my ass all day long. This is the story of my jet fueled, unstoppable ego that could have taken away my genuine happiness, my appreciation for people and my own sincerity, which is very dear to me. Being humbled in my life by working in France where the people speak a German blend, by progressive trance house boat parties on California's Great Lakes (breathe) wh ile sobbing, sweating and climbing thirteen mile Hawaiian cliffs for play, and by
always getting fired...because of my racing  mistake  making  ADD mind, made me consider the idea that other people's realities, stories and ways to happiness were more interesting than mine.

Share with me, if you would please, a large glass of THIS happy, with no ego tonight. Firsit sip is the best, I promise!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Entry #49: Ruby Red Ballet, Abraham Lincoln's Pride and I Am What You Say I Am Today!

Entry #49: Ruby Red Ballet Show, Abraham Lincoln's Pride and I Am What You Say I Am Today!

Dear All:

Super Sandy was devastating to so many people, animals and the environment, I do not have the words to describe the experience. 

Autumn in the Northeast is breathtaking. The season smiles at us, as the leaves say good bye to their friends the trees and perform their ruby red ballet show. It is Fall's spectacular rainbow at its best. The sun's yellow warmth is a comfort, as we prepare for winter's harsh command. 

The nests light up early as the cardinals' chirp and again at twilight's flash, with their bell like ringing calls.  My spirit is bright as I observe the bird's dance in the back yard today, (11/21/12).

  1. Autumn's rainbow illuminates every tree, bush and branch today, (11/21/12).
As we just saluted Veteran's Day, there are many individuals to thank for our freedom and pride. In particular, our 16th president whose persistence carried him through a failed business, losing in Congress and as Vice President, nominee. Mr. Lincoln valued human rights and guided the States through the Civil War. Let's applaud him for confronting the dark side of racism and abolishing slavery through The Emancipation Proclamation, 1/1/1863. President Lincoln knew that his determination would be rewarded some day.

  1. "I will prepare, and some day my day will come."--Abraham Lincoln
As the red, yellow, and orange fun continues outside and the leaves wave goodbye, I continually check myself when I see the power of others and their "own reality." We have different life experiences, so surely we have different realities, right? Why do we believe others should have a similar view point to our own and even better, when we become unhappy about it? If I am detaching in order to be productive,  1) I am not judging (which is self serving, right?) 2) I can listen because it is not about me 3) I have no conflict 4) I am what you say I am 5) I am present 6) I can empathize 7) I am relieved 8) I am reducing my own noise 9) I am not attaching to others actions 9) I am not reacting (thank god) 10) I am in control of myself! 

  1. "Everyone has their own reality."--Maureen Flood
  2. "I am what you say I am today."--unknown tweet of 2011
If we celebrate the ruby red ballet in the backyard, while comprehending the sacrifices people have made for others (cause they had/have no fucking choice) and losing our ideas on what we believe is correct (of others), then nothing can go that wrong, right?

Let's pray for the women, children and animals that need our determined protection at all times!

Love and Sincerely,

Friday, September 28, 2012

Entry #48: Just For Today

Dear All:

Thank heaven for autumn's rainbow. The season's golden sunlight, calm breeze and baby pumpkins give us the joy of a new season and the hope for today. The falling leaves have begun their dance party of ruby red and sunset yellow, giving us a glimpse of Fall's spectacular firework show!

As the chirpy Robins and darling Sparrows try to dazzle us today, our hearts are heavy because we miss our beloved family member who entered heaven only 20 days ago. But now she can be the fierce (fighting for the good) and tender angel she was always meant to be. We know that she is safe in the arms of the brightest light of all. 

I am thankful to my family, friends and community who have shared their understanding of the principles (prayers) associated with Narcotics Anonymous. The prayer Just For Today has helped millions of people stay substance abuse free and attain emotional control for their well being. Is emotional control-- calm, and peaceful happiness? I am not sure, but it is a good start. 

Just For Today
  1. I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my life problems at once.
  2. I will be happy. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine.
  3. I will accept what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things I can correct and accept those I cannot.
  4. I will improve my mind, I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will not be a mental loafer.
  5. I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will be kind and courteous to those who cross my path, and I'll not speak ill of others. I will improve my appearance, speak softly, and not to interrupt when someone else is talking.
  6. I will refrain from improving anybody but myself.
  7. I will do something positive to improve my health, maybe take a brisk walk, even it's only around the block.
  8. I will gather the courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my own actions.
I received a gift recently, The Birthday Almanac Book, written by Sophia Kendrick. This personal revelation's book summarizes our actual birth date and favorable character traits. My first look was Samantha's birthday, which I found to be very precious and telling of --her.

July 18th -- Compassionate Character
"With three-quarters of their birth influences, their female polarity, water the Moon-heightening their powers of receptiveness, intuition, and empathy, it is a small wonder that 7/18 individuals are so understanding, and forgiving, of others' human emotions and weaknesses. How they act on their responsiveness is down to the individual--some may enter the caring professions or volunteer work, which others may express their compassion through creativity--but in so doing, all demonstrate their characteristic determination."--The Birthday Almanac

I could not enter another post without honoring our beloved Sam (a devoted follower and contributor to this blog), whose free spirit, curiosity and determination lead her life--always. Many of us on this blog, loved her completely and very dearly, no matter what was happening with her on any given day! Her journey was unique here and I only wish that when her days felt less hopeful, she could have called any one of us for the comfort and guidance she needed.  

With tears streaming down my face, I want to thank you all for reading in your busy days. Let's pray for the young adults, women and children who need our fierce and determined protection at all times.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Entry #47: The Monarch Butterfly Dance Party, Oysters--The Environmental Hero and Dismissing My Ego

Dear All:

Thank heaven for summer's fun. The season's eternal sunlight, dry heat and lucky rainfall gave us the best surf, swim and moonlighting of a lifetime!  The garden has just about peaked and the princess Dahlias ( a remarkable flower) are now pink velvet magenta which is causing a tizzy with her friends, the Zinnias.  Cheers to early September's happy shining ways! 

Throughout the day's journey, I peak out the window to the zen of monarch butterflies. As they dance from flower to flower, I observe their quiet rhythm and movement, which takes my breath away. This dance party is a "nectar sipping cocktail" extravaganza that takes place on the full violet butterfly bushes, just outside the window. I am in awe of their flutter and the way it makes me feel. 

  1.  "The birds and flowers give me hope." --Susan Campisi 
  2. Let's hear it for the monarch butterfly dance party! (9/3/12). 
As the early autumn gets its "golden" on, I am thrilled to learn that environmentalists are slowly winning a war with water contamination. I learned on Yahoo News that the farming of oysters is effectively cleansing the most polluted waters, right here in NY! Yahoo News reports, "The Oyster Restoration Research Project, (A NY based nonprofit umbrella group, partners with the NY/NJ Bay keeper ecology advocate working at the Bronx site, and the US Army Corps Engineers) has built an oyster reef on Governors Island off Manhattan." An advocate confirms, "The oyster is the perfect aquatic engineer for the job. It pumps water to feed, retains any polluted particles and releases the rest--purified. Each one filters about 50 gallons of water a day." This is so encouraging! Dennis Suszkowski, the Science Director of the non profit Hudson River Foundation says, "Having oysters improves the whole aquatic habitat, attracting fish and other marine life to the area." Let's hear it for the oysters! 

As the butterflies dance in the garden, I am surprised how my ego fails me time and time again. It is such a non productive use of my time! If I allow my ego to be in charge, then what does it say about me? Do I like to be in a state of negativity, ever? No thank you!

If I dismiss my ego 1) I lose all negativity  2) I let go of a petty conflict, immediately (especially with Todd) 3) I accept an apology with forgiveness  4) I am of free shit talking (oh that again) 5) I am observing my actions (except for Brady) 6) I am truthful with my loved ones in a thoughtful way 7) I am listening without interrupting (oh god!) 8) I am owning my mistakes 9) I am not comparing my actions to others' actions and 10) I am not looking for what my loved ones have "not done" for me. So, if my heart is in charge, and I am losing all negativity while living in a state of loving forgiveness, that way I am "for real", right?

  1. My ego failed me today, but tomorrow will be better. (9/3/12)
  2. How did sincerity save me from myself today? (9/3/12)
If we can celebrate the Monarchs journey today, and congratulate any type of restoration project going on anywhere, while I am dismissing my ego and its super destructive ways, then nothing can go that wrong right? 

Let's pray for the soldiers, children and animals who need our determined and fierce protection at all times.
