Thursday, June 21, 2012

Entry #42: Pink Peony Coolers, NPR and Is Letting Go-- Being In Control?

Dear All:
Summer's hot yellow blaze has arrived. The leaves are still peaking green and the shrubs and bushes are happy.  June's peonies are a "pink" good enough to drink and the season's flower show is ready to begin! 

As the sunshine ignites the backyard and the baby Cardinals chirp and beep from their nests in the magnificent clatter today (6/21/12), I am thankful for nature's suggestion of-- where the birds sing, there is light.

  1.  I'll have a large glass of yellow sunshine today, thank you!
  2. June's hot sunshine brings us warmth and peace today, (6/8/12).
  3. Where the birds sing, there is light.
As the Solstice gets its "blaze" on, I am often surprised (while driving the car with Brady who is still kicking my ass every day, ha ha mommy you are doing down!) how much I've learned from KQED in San Francisco and now 93.9 in NY. The writing and tone of the programming like Morning Edition, All Things Considered and Fresh Air, somehow resonate with me and my ADHD. I have been 1) inspired by Maya Angelou's profound stories of poetry inspiring others, 2) informed of the ravaging and brutal war of Sarajevo (1992-1996), and 3) educated on rethinking Hydro Power, just to name a few.  Thank you NPR (funded by the public) for my perspective today.

As the rainbow hydrangeas and blushing peonies laugh & party in the garden, I am continually reminded how important it is for me to let go of all things that are emotionally unproductive for me. If I let go (which is detachment right?) of, 1) my self importance 2) others' actions 3) the unfavorable truth about myself (which is true) 4) my concern with others judgment of me (which is crazy)  5) of what others have said or done to my loved ones (none of my business) 6) what isn't 7) my reactive crazy (destructive little defense mechanism) 8) my judgment towards others 9) my noise 10) and my petty thoughts, then I am emotionally in control, right? Oh god.

  1. Is letting go a way of being in control?
  2. "When you judge another, you do not define them. You define yourself."--Wayne Dyer
  3. I let go of my self importance today, yahoo!
If we can embrace June's hot sunshine and Todd's 49th birthday (6/21), to be curious of the nation's hopes, struggles and survivals through public radio (whatever you like), while grooming ourselves to be emotionally productive, then nothing can go that wrong right? 

Let's pray for the women, children and animals that need our fierce and determined protection at all times!

Love and Sincerely,



  1. The lovey and beautiful Joanne Campisi (birthday girl 6/20) writes in:

    Happy Birthday Todd! I celebrated my 53rd yesterday...well actually, I did more celebrating today. Looking at peonies, roses, and countless other beautiful flowers in an English garden. It was heaven. After having our English tea for lunch we headed over to Woodbury lake to swim and float and even take a ride on my friend's pontoon boat. What a perfect way to spend the first day of summer!!!

    Sounds like you are soaking it in down on LI. enjoy the long hot days.

    Keep writing - I love your words of wisdom.


  2. Hi Joanne:

    Hello lovely lady. Happy Birthday to you too! We think of you on your birthday each year. It is the best days of the entire year for many reasons. Flowers are on parade, sun is blazing up a storm and the trees are happy!

    Thank you for your support, it means alot to me. Love you girl. Glad you are loving and enjoying up in Vermont!


  3. Dear Kristen,

    Love, love, love the party of flowers going on in front of your lovely home! Thank you again for your ear! Hope you and Todd enjoyed your evening last night.

    Love, Cindy

  4. HI Cindy:

    Oh girl so happy to see you right here, yahoo.

    How about how the hydrangeas and peonies party and laugh in the garden? Gotta love heaven on earth which is right outside out windows.

    You are a dear and kind lady. Keep the positive energy coming our way.

    Love you til the cows come home.

  5. The very smart and cutting edge Patricia Luzzi of ISIS Essentials writes in from SF:

    Another great job – may all our days be full of sunshine….love ya!

  6. Dear Patricia:

    thank you lamb for you support - let's hear it for the party in the garden too! he he


  7. Hi Kristen! My husband tells me I am a control freak and I guess I never realized it....but I find myself recognizing it when I do try and control everything and lately I have been letting it go and it feels very freeing. I realize I do not have to take control all the time and let things fall where they may and everything is still all right. I'll share a big glass of that sunshine with you and make a toast to letting go! It feels good. Love to you during this glorious time of year!

  8. Hi Liz

    Oh hon, I love to see you here always! Thank you for your support.

    I know, the control thing does not make us feel happy, that is the whole thing. It so crazy, why are we like this? Maybe there are cultures that practice this more, but not in the USA! INteresting right?

    Oh and if you do not mind, I am going to totally and completely put the glass of sunshine and the toast to letting go on TWitter right now - from Liz Berry Wagner! Yahoo.

    Love you girl and your dear way.


  9. Twitter:

    "I'll share a big glass of that sunshine with you and make a toast to letting go!"--Liz Berry Wagner

  10. I'll share that big glass of sunshine with you and Liz and toast to letting go, too. Yahoo! You know I need it.

    Brilliant and wise as usual.

    Happy belated birthday to Todd! xoxo

  11. Hi Sue

    And that would be the hottest and biggest glass of sunshine ever while letting go!
    Love it - even when the planets are making us feel nutty.

    Cheers to nutty too.

    Thank you for your support. Love you lamb.


  12. Hi Sue

    And that would be the hottest and biggest glass of sunshine ever while letting go!
    Love it - even when the planets are making us feel nutty.

    Cheers to nutty too.

    Thank you for your support. Love you lamb.


  13. Great job! What a universal need...this 'getting over myself' thingy that seems to be so difficult for the "ME MASSES".
    I loved the Wayne Dyer line. Spot on maybe??? I met Dr. Wayne last year and spent a little time with him. Incredible! I worked on him with CRANIAL RELEASE TECHNIQUE (many think they know what this is. They don't and it's unfortunate. Please find out about it on my website:
    Keep up the good know, getting over yourself! haha
    Doc LR

  14. Happy bday to me! Very fun being married to you.... I must let go at all times to gain control of myself
