Thursday, January 29, 2015

Entry 57: What Is The Point Of Anything If We Are Not Sincere?

Dear All:

I question the depths of sincerity and the ramifications we place on ourselves. What is the point of anything if we are not sincere? Because if I am sincere then, 1) I am truthful 2) I am sorry 3) I love you 4) I forgive you 5) I meant what I said 6) I apologize for the misunderstanding 7) thank you 8) my thoughts mirror my actions 9) I was wrong and 10) you were right!

  1. How is your sincerity working for you today?
  2. Do you glare at others with your actions?
  3. "Often individuals whose opinions do not correspond with their words cannot help but reveal their true thoughts in actions."--OM (I have had multiple retweets on Twitter in 2012)


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Entry 56: The No Ego Blog

Dear All:

What is with the continual "ego tugging" of attaching ourselves to people and/or events that do not make us feel good? I am amazed how much time we spend (as adults) discussing others actions, in particular when it has nothing to do with us. If we focus on our own thoughts and actions, (especially the ones we are proud of) then, 1) there is no conflict whatsoever 2) we are in a state of calm and in control 3) we can nourish ourselves more 4) we are working our emotionally healthy relationships 5) we are working our emotionally healthy selves 6) we are letting go of our self importance (ego) 7) we are demonstrating a higher level of communication to the world 8) we gain a new understanding of our responsibility in close relationships and how they make us feel 9) we stop the negative noise and 10) if we are living one of the universal laws, then nothing can go that wrong, right? 

  1. If I am focusing on my actions only, I am good to go!
  2. I am responsible for everything I am feeling today. 
Thank you for reading in your busy days.

