Thursday, December 30, 2010

Entry #13: Little Truths, Barack Obama's, "of Thee I Sing" and Rising Above the Ego Clutter

Dear All:
The New Year's Moon is resting powerfully in the black sky at the moment while drawing out all of our truths, justices and hopes for the upcoming year. We had some magnificent blizzard this holiday. Our roof's glaciers are thawing and air is growing more mild as the clock ticks to 2011. 

It was an exciting, but busy holiday season. Our families joined together for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day which was wonderful. Friends and family were close by for the occasional bitch slap and hysterically fits of laughter. Cheers to the family!

We all know I am a happy person and try like hell to see the good in things, but it is just that Christmas leaves me with very little breathing room, literally. I love to shop and give presents, it is awesome, but the job becomes intense toward the end. The gift wrapping requires such finesse and flexibility by the end I am crippled from bending over on the ground, one day I will do it on a table.

I shopped like my mother and sister, I never stopped until the job was done. I took care of Brady (birthday is coming up too), purchased all of the gifts for my Diva mom and my sweet but sometimes salty sister (love that about her she is very funny). I did not stop until I got all of Toddy's beautiful presents ( I shrunk his favorite zip sweater so I really needed to pull that down for the team). I  was so excited about his gifts that I plumb forgot about Todd's stocking treats. 

I did have a sweet baby duckling ornament wrapped for him, but then I needed to fill it with more sugar plumbs I was stuck. What about a screwdriver? socks? handkerchiefs? well none of that was actually going to fit IN the stocking. So I went to my favorite Hindu (again and again if you get tired of him leave it in the comment box please), picked up several cards (Manifesting Good Luck cards) and never looked back. When Todd opened his stocking I made him say the cards to me, and it was really fun because they were all right on target and very true. Love to Get Over Myself, it is so necessary, gotta say!

I acknowledge my emotions and act upon them in a way that enhances my relationships.

When I recognize some one's admirable attributes, I openly show my appreciate and gratitude.

I compliment and praise others which enriches both of our lives.

What I like or dislike about other people reflects a similar quality in myself.

I regard everyone I meet as an equal - with sensitivity and respect.

I honor and respect everyone on my path.
Deepak Chopra

This particular Christmas was extra special because the lovely and talented Sarah Boyle joined us who (one of my three awesome nieces) gave Brady, Barack Obama's "of Thee I Sing, A Letter To My Daughters as one of his Christmas gift's.
Sarah shared her appreciation for this book when she gave it to Brady and I have to agree with her. 

The message is an honest and loving letter from a father to his daughters. I thought these ideas should come from parents to children, children to parents, brothers to sisters, all of it to everyone. Get Over Yourself if you are not sending the message of life out there, which is, loving kindness bundled with joy with a smile on top, let's have the flow of positive energy happening at all times please! We need it thank you very much! Sarah, thank you for sharing this book with Brady and me too! 

He asked them in the most loving way,

Have I told you that you are creative?
Have I told you that you are smart?
Have I told you that you have your own song?
Have I told you that you are strong?Have I told you how important it is to honor others' sacrifices? (going to have to blog about this right? please remind me)
Have I told you that you are kind?
Have I told you that you don't give up?

Lastly, I just sit here in the dark (again) in awe of the world's tragedies and magic. I shall always search for the earth's positive energy wherever I can find it and the people who live in its center and deep in its vortex. I will always try and rise above my mind's ego centric clutter (sorry I am human), try to stop and finish a thought when my ADD is making me short circuit. I want to learn how to listen (mostly), learn (from others) and deliver on a moment's promise. 

Thank you all for reading Get Over Yourself in your busy days. *Please remind me to honor other's sacrifices. This is huge for an upcoming blog of a chapter!

Moving forward, here we go! Need more bandwidth mommy! 

Please let's pray for the children and animals that need us, more than we will ever know.

With Love and Sincerely,

P.S. You are all awesome!


  1. love from donna henry
    Happy New Year Sweetie! And, Happy Birthday to Brady, enjoy it, I know how stressful these early January birthdays are! Much Love, Donna

    ----- Original Message -----

  2. kind words from isis patricia luzi

    I like the words of acknowledgement, the words to girls from Obama and the general tone of “Getting Over Yourself”
    Another good job!!!

  3. Getting Over Myself is the whole point! Thank you for YOUR acknowledgements and have yourself a very nice New Year.

  4. this is from my loving and very beautiful husband,

    Absolutely beautiful honey! everyone comes through email who does not know how to comment yet.

    thanks all you are awesome.

  5. Kristen, sorry I'm so late in commenting. I read this right after you posted and then got sucked into a wild ride of busy-ness. So I just read it again and just love love love your words. You are such a beautiful poet and a deep and wise soul. Happy Birthday to Brady! I will call you soon... buying the house and buried in it. Happy 2011! xoxo

  6. Hi Sue
    Oh honey thank you SO much. You are so good to me. I figured you are closing on your new house. I need that address pronto when all is done so we can some mail there. Can you believe how I have to enter all of the comments, so desperate right? No one is really sure about the comments here in Long Island. And my punctuation is so bad I know it is just like always. But I said to Todd I do not know anything or how to write but all I have is balls right? He was like totally...Happy Birthday to you too lamb, new house is a great gift for a amazing capricorn like yourself. We have to get on the horn very soon. Brady today is 3 and we are going to Friendly's with my mother and having a fire truck party tomorrow with all of the kids. Oh girl...LOVE you and thank you fespecially for your loving kindness and friendship.
    Much Love and Light,

  7. Happy new year Kristen! Enjoy it all.
