Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Entry #54: Jack Frost's Snowball Cocktail Tonight, What is ALEC and Are We Closet Bullies?

Dear All:

Thank heaven for life on the planet earth at the moment. The winter's morning sunlight, the white dusty blizzard (2/7/13) and fierce cold wind are a force to reckon with this year. As the trees wait for their friends, the buds to arrive, the season's icy magic dance show still can takes my breath away! Let's hear it for Jack Frost's snowball cocktail tonight!

In the early morning's dawn, we listen for the chanting and ringing of the bird's songs to light up the backyard. Recently, I have been illuminated by the percussion of a perky little woodpecker (with white tiny snow spots) who knocks and knocks for her bug fest just outside the window! 

  1. The winter's bright sunshine brings me warmth today (2/4/13)
  2. Let's hear it Jack Frost's snowball cocktail tonight!
As the early morning gets its "chirp" on, I was recently perturbed to learn of ALEC which is the American Legislative Exchange Council, that basically writes its own laws to benefit large corporations, and not for the benefit of people, mostly business. ALEC Exposed on line recently reported, "ALEC is not a lobby; it is not a front group.  Corporations hand state legislators the changes to the law they desire that directly benefit their bottom line. Along with legislators, corporations have membership with ALEC. They have their own corporate governing board which meets jointly with the legislative board." ALEC Exposed continues, "Corporations fund almost all ALEC's operations.  Participating legislators and corporations brings their homemade proposals home and introduce them in statehouses across the land as their own brilliants ideas and important public policy innovations--without disclosing that corporations crafted and voted on the bills. This is not an illegal activity either."

A subject that is now illegal is bullying. I am convinced that child and teenage bullying comes from the self importance of their parents. I am amazed and very disappointed on the level of petty judgment I have been witnessing from adults. This phenomenon has morphed its way into what I call, closet bullying, which is sucker punching on many levels. Closet bullying could be 1) speaking negatively about someone not present to defend themselves 2) saying kind things and behaving in a mean spirited way towards others 3) behaving kindly and then saying  mean spirited things about others 4) judging others in an extreme way (which says everything about us) 5) laughing at the expense of other people (I am guilty of, we all know me by now) 6) continually discussing our own point of view 7) taking zero responsibility for our bad behaviors when we are called out 8) being insincere (the worst of all) 9) comparing ourselves to others so we feel better (sigh) and 10) not speaking out on bullying behaviors that are affecting others. Would you agree that closet bullying comes from our self importance or that we have not grown up yet? Just sayin...

If we can cheers to Jack Frost today, while fully understanding the corrupt ways that laws are being passed currently (WTF) and identifying bullying behaviors in our ourselves and others, then nothing can go that wrong, right?

Let's pray for the women, children and animals who need our determined and fierce protection at all times.



  1. Another great informative piece. This piece is compassionate and definitely shows your commitment to children. Great Job!!!

  2. So great, Kristen. The winter imagery is crystal clear--I can hear that woodpecker and I don't live anywhere near you! And then you take your strong turn toward calling out the abuse of public trust with ALEC and the many ways that people bully, even when they seem most pleasant. Thanks again for these lively, direct blog posts!

  3. The amazing and newly recruited to the GYOP Party, Jean Anzelone writes in:

    Wow! Awesome KK you rock!!:) ja

  4. Go get them honey. The ALEC lobby is truly out of control. You colorful writing shines through again!

  5. What a great topic to bring to light. Most think that if they don't participate in the bullying -- as it happens -- that they are innocent. NO WAY! One is allowing this to happen. One has to take a stand when someone is being bullied. Yeah, is there a cost to taking a stand - sure there is. In high school, I stood up for a boy when other boys started to taunt him. Sure enough, the dart was thrown my way. But the cost of doing nothing would have been by far greater.

    Amazing insight KK!

  6. Loved Jack Frost's cocktail - you have such a way of describing the natural beauty around us, that I sometimes take for granted. And thank you for bringing up bullying - we definitely need to see the whole picture when it comes to this topic, and reflect on how we as adults are impacting our future society! XO

  7. The very cute and delightful Karena Plate-Kent writes in:

    WOW this one really hit home. Thanks for sharing and caring! Luv U :)

  8. Hi Patricia
    Thank you for popping in dear to visit GOYP! Yes we must look within for the answers to it all I suppose.
    PS Great to have coffee with you at The Clift!

  9. Hi Ginger

    Thank you for your guidance and support of this blog. We start with the light then it gets serious and then we pow everyone with the truth serum at the end. Ha Ha.


  10. Hi Andrea:

    Thank you for stopping by GOYP! You will agree that closet bullying is an issue with adults, right? I think it is being immature, like never really getting off of the playground or 7th grade. Yikes it is very shocking to me.


  11. HI Ellen Kim

    Hi dear blogger! How does it feel? Illuminated yet? Hope so. Thanks for fighting for the women, children and animals, and your buddy in HS who was being harassed. Save the humans, right?


  12. Hi Toddy

    Thank you visiting us here in your busy days. You always try and support Mommy and never ending babble of Getting Over Myself, You Getting Over Yourself, etc. Oh dear, it never ends.


  13. Hi Kris, I'm sorry I'm so late in visiting, but it's lovely to be back. You always brighten my world. Your words make me nostalgic for winter back east. I feel like I'm back there with you experiencing it. And ALEC, oh dear, they are a sinister group, aren't they? They were instrumental in pushing the "stand your ground" gun law in Florida and other states. Kudos for spreading the word about them. Keep shining the light and raising awareness. Love you xoxo

  14. Dearest KK, you hit da nail on da head with the bullying discussion. So honest and we can all be guilty of it, but the important thing is to try and change our thought process. Accept ourselves and each other for what we are, not what we are not! Not easy, but a real challenge with extremely good benefits! Keep on keeping on sistah. Love you.
